
Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Reading Books

Reading books has become a go to thing for me since we started staying home (COVID crisis). Personally, reading books transform me to another place and allow me, even if it’s just for a few minutes, to forget daily life. I also feel mentally stimulated and like my brain is in a better form. In…
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New job at Cloud factory!

I have just been offered the position of Delivery Team Lead in Cloud Factory in Kathmandu, Nepal! In this position I will be working between the customers and clients. It entails working with tech companies in a global environment. Another exciting aspect is the opportunity to work in mentoring teams and ensuring their deliverables are…
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I created the portfolio website which is a requirement of our Masters program in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation. This was done using wordpress and placed in the domain provided to Syracuse University students. Right now, students are allowed to have this domain for free up to 4 years after creating it. This website can…
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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!