Reading Books

Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Reading Books

Reading books has become a go to thing for me since we started staying home (COVID crisis). Personally, reading books transform me to another place and allow me, even if it’s just for a few minutes, to forget daily life. I also feel mentally stimulated and like my brain is in a better form.

In order for me to get access to the books I really want to read, I did get a new kindle for myself earlier this year. My reluctance to using another device, the kindle, was the amount of screentime I am spending and how much this might add. However, since kindle is more stationary, the stress in the eyes also seems to be much less than a smart phone, or a tablet. Thus I have started using it more and more now

With my current reads, I have been following my interest areas of human species, evolution and history. Listing my recent reads (2021):

  1. Big History – Cynthia Stokes Brown
  2. 1491 – Charles C. Mann
  3. A Pocket History of Human Evolution – Francois Savatier and Gerd-Christian Weniger Silvana Condemi
  4. Masters of the Planet – Ian Tattersall
  5. Behave – Robert Sapolsky

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