IDE 552 Digital Media Production

Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Course Description

The main objective of the course was to instruct us on the design and construction of web-site. Basic and advance web design principles we learned with the use of Adobe Dreamweaver/Photoshop, Word Press, Camtasia, and other applications. This was personally beneficial to me in terms of having the skills necessary to create our MS degree online portfolio using wordpress. Also this helped me gain knowledge about the use of website building online sites and on creating infographics, that were applicable on multiple occasions. In a way, the course helped in integrating various graphics applications towards designing and creating effective products- like this portfolio.


Infographic on Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Infographic


Static Website

The link below leads to the static website created on the topic of Nepal (promotion to tourist sites) created using Adobe Dreamweaver and put in the mysite Syracuse University server:


Website Using WordPress

This is the website created as a part of the major assignment for the course. It also serves another major function, it will hold the online portfolio which is a requirement for the Master of Science degree in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation. The content is to be filled out through the program. It will be created based on the content areas covered in the Digital Media Production course.


Final Grade: A



The course was really helpful to brush up on graphics, video, web-designing and other media related skills. The course did set the stage for all the other courses in this program- in which skills derived from this course could be applied to them at various stages. Most of all, it gave me the necessary skills to work on the IDD&E program online portfolio. I would have loved the course a bit more if we could have focused more on the actual web- developing skills, video editing skills and picture editing skills; rather than learning codes for web development- which I believe really did not connect well to the objectives of the course. Overall, a well designed course that provided essential content for the whole program and our overall development in a easy-to-do manner.