IDE 712 Analysis for Human Performance Technology Decisions

Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Course Description

This course focuses on analytical techniques used to determine if an educational or training program is the most appropriate solution, in a variety of educational or business contexts. The process is usually referred to as Front-End Analysis (FEA).  The course examines human performance and the role that instructors can have in changing behavior on the job, and in society. During the course, we learned various FEA models, investigated the nature of the performance problem and finally determined whether the problems are due to environmental reasons, motivational reasons, or a lack of skills/knowledge.


Front End Analysis Tool

Roger Kaufman’s Organizational Elements Model (OEM) was the front end analysis (FEA) tool that I choose. This FEA tool was submitted in three phases, with the initial proposal first, then the update, and finally the product:


Job Analysis Technique Presentation

The job analysis technique that I choose to present on was the Information Processing Analysis, linked below:

IPA presentation

Front End Analysis Plan

The front end analysis plan was on “Institutionalizing Impact Pathway and Meeting Performance Targets”, submitted with a proposal first, then updated, after that presented in front of the class, and finally producing the finished product after receiving feedback from the instructor and peers:



Final Grade: A



This course had a content that was of great interest to me. Besides answering a lot of ID related concerns, it also provided answers to questions I have had in my previous work life. This is something that is done prior to moving onto an ID endeavour. The course was seminar like sessions (full day) spread across a semester in 5 Saturdays. Although I was hesitant to enter seminar type courses (going with my earlier not-so-great experience of taking a week-long seminar course), it made good sense to do so from a learning perspective since the 5 classes were spread across a semester. I really enjoyed learning about the tools and front end analysis plan components as they answered a lot of unanswered questions that I have had in the past 5 years of work life, and also through the first semester of the program. I also liked the fact that feedback from the instructor and peers were built so well into the course design and activities- made it feel like something done in a professional job setting. Finally, the guest lectures were great to provide new perspectives from people working in various fields, and to build network, which is very important for me having just started my professional career.