IDE 737 Advanced Instructional Design

Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Course Description

The course makes use of previously developed knowledge in the IDD&E program to design effective instructions based on learning and design theories, and to interact with professional colleagues and peers in a process of enhancing instruction (capstone course). This course expects learners to review selected readings on advanced design techniques and determine if those techniques can be used to enhance the instructional unit they work on. It is designed to provide hands-on experience in designing, developing and critiquing instruction that effectively enhances learning through all the components of an instructional intervention. We were required to storyboard an instructional unit, critique it, enhcnace it and evaluate it- while learning about advanced instructional techniques.



The instructional unit that I storyboarded was regarding the college readiness skills of time/task management. The storyboard, and its accompanying critiquing rubric were presented and discussed with peers and the instructor in 3 iterations, and then the final submission was made. These iterative submissions were made in each live video sessions as-

Video Session 1:



Video Session 2:



Video Session 3:



After revisions, the final product was submitted as:

Final Storyboard

Final Rubric

Reflection Journal

A reflective journal was kept throughout the course to document efforts to learn about advanced instructional design techniques, along with the thought process through building, enhancing and critiquing of instructional units, among others as:

Reflection journal


Final Grade: A



The capstone course was a very good way to have a final reflection on the learnings related to instructional design and development. The course was fully online, but the live video sessions really created that real time connection with peers and the instructor, which I greatly appreciate. I really liked working on the storyboard and improving it. Having worked with my current employer at Syracuse University Project Advance for my project, and the colleagues there, provided me additional context and the opportunity to receive continuous feedback. I also greatly enjoyed the iterative approach of getting feedback from other students in the class and the instructor multiple times. Further, the self-check rubric ensured focus on the critical aspects of the instruction. One thing that I would have liked more would have been time, to have the course throughout the summer- as it would allow for more practice, time to reflect on learnings and flexibility to make further consultations. This course was well designed with all activities and projects working well together to achieve the overall course objectives.