Personal Statement/CV

Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Personal Statement

I am a Monitoring and Evaluation professional and have worked at the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), a regional (Himalayan) donor funded intergovernmental knowledge based organization, for over 4 years. Currently, I am enrolled in the Master of Science course in Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation at Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York) and expect to graduate in the December of 2019. I also have a Master of Business Administration degree from Clark University (Worcester, Massachusetts).

I have been involved in developing and revisiting theory of change (ToC) through Participatory Impact Pathway Approach. Additionally, I have supported the designing and conducting of baselines, midline, end line and impact evaluation surveys. I am also involved in cleaning the field data, qualitative and quantitative analysis of results that are obtained from the field and other partner’s/ programs.  I have also worked with the Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (SPM&E) team in designing, implementing and managing the M&E system at initiative, program and institutional levels which has resulted in the creation of factsheets and online reporting system. Further, I have hands on experience in working with designing and conducting impact evaluations, developing log-frames, supervising field surveys, organizing reviews, and in writing minutes and summarizing partner reports.

I have always had strong commitment and motivation to perform my responsibilities in a professional and effective manner which is due in part to the support and good feedback that I have been receiving from my supervisors and colleagues. I have taken lead in organizing trainings and workshops which required coordination and communication with various M&E partners like 3ie, IFMR and AIRCA. Further, I have worked on documentation, reviewing literature, identifying gaps in reported progress, in preparing success stories and lesson learned from the field/ programs and supported work in M&E portions of the LOA/LOI’s with partners. I have also been involved in process and progress monitoring of various interventions of initiatives like SERVIR (USAID funded), KSLCDI (GIZ funded) and HICAP within ICIMOD.

Currently, I am working in Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) at the moment where I overlook research regarding pathways for high school students who have taken Project Advance courses in their way to a college degree, along with other research and evaluation tasks conducted by the center. I recently conducted a program evaluation of a mission of SUPA. I used the course projects during the MS program to get involved in creating instructional design models, assessment tools, front end analysis plans, program evaluations and developing instructional contents.

CV- Prabesh Devkota

LinkedIn: Prabesh Devkota