IDE 632 Instructional Design & Development II

Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation

Course Description

The course dealt with instructional design and development theory and practice. We learned about the knowledge and skills required to select, revise and apply instructional design models. The problems that we investigated through various projects and activities during the course related to instructional needs (gaps between current and desired states), change, evaluation, management, and instruction. This course focused more on the development side of instructional system design (the building of instruction), as practiced in different environments.


Presentation of an ID (Instructional Design) Model (Gustufson & Branch Book)

This presentation was done in as a paired activity. I worked with Rachita Kapoor, a colleague, on the Bates Model of Instructional Design. Below is the presentation that we used:

Bates Model-Presentation

Take-home exam: Design brief of the flipped-class ID project

The ISD process model was also done in a pair with David Pax Kokesha Buatshia, a college. After the client interview, we made our design brief of our ID project, which is linked below:


Final Project: ISD Process model- Impact Pathway and Theory of Change Revision Model

This project was the major course requirement which was to create a ISD (Instructional Systems Design) Process Model. This was submitted in three parts with the proposal first and then the update, and then finally with the submission of the final product entitled “Impact Pathway and Theory of Change Revision Model”:

Final Project

The presentation was done in class through a recorded video of the powerpoint slides in class by streaming through youtube:


Final Grade: A



The course was well designed to obtain the learning objectives that it set out to achieve. From larger activities and projects, to small in class activities- all fit well into delivering the content. I really found the pair activities we did in class very engaging. Similar to the first course related to instructional design and development, there was a major project and a small group take home final in the end to reinforce the overall learning. The format of the course also allowed for good interaction in terms of group activities, simulated client designer dialogues, reaching out to stakeholders in creating out ISD process model, and so on. The guest lectures were also helpful in providing real life contexts to the learning contents.